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European Elections Voting Begins In Some Eu Countries

European Elections: Voting Begins in Some EU Countries

National Live Voting Results Released

Voting for the European Parliament elections has commenced in several countries across the European Union. Verian has begun releasing live national results, providing updates on the ongoing process.

Italy's 2024 European Parliament Elections

Italy held its European Parliament elections on June 8th and 9th, 2024. These elections resulted in the selection of members for the 10th Italian delegation to the European Parliament.

Prime Minister Meloni's Success in Italy's Elections

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's right-wing party has secured a significant victory in the European elections. Exit polls indicate that her party has garnered a substantial share of the votes.

Meloni's Strong Showing

According to preliminary estimates, Prime Minister Meloni's party has emerged victorious in the Italian European elections. This outcome reflects the strength of her support among voters in the country.
