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Herbert Kickl

Austrian Far-Right Party Elects Herbert Kickl as New Leader


Herbert Kickl, a former interior minister and a close ally of Heinz-Christian Strache, was elected as the new leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) on Saturday.

Kickl has been a controversial figure in Austrian politics, known for his anti-immigration and anti-EU rhetoric. He was forced to resign as interior minister in 2019 after a corruption scandal involving Strache.


On Monday, Austrian prosecutors announced that they are investigating Kickl on suspicion of corruption. The investigation is related to allegations that he illegally intervened in police investigations while he was interior minister.

Kickl has denied any wrongdoing and has said that the investigation is politically motivated.


The investigation has raised concerns among some observers about the influence of the far-right in Austria. The FPÖ is the third-largest party in parliament and has been part of the ruling coalition government since 2017.

The investigation could potentially lead to criminal charges against Kickl and could damage the FPÖ's credibility.
